Our Responsibilities
We want HarrisonParrott Group to be a diverse, inclusive organisation that attracts and retains outstanding talent for our in-house colleagues, artists, and partners. We also recognise our responsibility towards the environment and collaborate with our artists, partners, and colleagues to better advocate for travel, energy use, and recycling/reuse options that are kinder to our planet.

Inclusion & Access
We are committed to embedding Inclusion & Access (I&A) at the heart of HPG’s practice, including staff recruitment, roster development and projects.
We approach I&A with sincerity, humility and the knowledge that there is still much to learn.
Our Commitment
- To encourage, advocate for and nurture equity, diversity and inclusion within and around all of HarrisonParrott Group’s activities both as an employer and international creative arts partner.
- To champion a culture of belonging as one of HPG’s core values – and to make accessibility to the creative arts a key and unifying strategic goal.
- To think beyond labels when identifying and working with our people and our clients – to challenge ourselves to look beyond traditional sources and stereotypical profiles.
- To demonstrate that talented diverse professionals working together bring unique experiences which spark innovation and creativity within an environment which is truly inclusive.
- By all of these means to play a lead role in supporting the international creative arts ecosystem, its development and sustainability.
How are we doing this?
Ensure I&A is at the heart of HPG’s practice
- Recruitment — includes blind recruitment/interviewing, and scored by two interviewers
- Wider inclusion and Awareness — Introduction of awareness days each year (advertised and open to all HPG colleagues via a shared calendar)
- I&A training — Yearly training for all staff on I&A from Creative Access, training course Achieving Racial Equality in Leadership
- Track our progress — through annual reporting
- Practices at HPG — we introduced an I&A policy that sits in the I&A section of our HR Intranet, in the employee handbook and circulated to all staff
- New Faces at HPG — Our focus is to have inclusive policies and practices which all colleagues understand and comply with. These policies will support HPG in hiring outside of a limited talent pool.
- Voices at HPG — To create a group that has a safe space for voices that are not always heard and to be a group that can advocate for others when they are not able to.
- Our people’s opinion and action at HPG — To analyse HPG with an honest view of how things have been, where we see the fundamental blocks to I&A at HPG, how our stakeholders view and act on I&A, and how we as a company act on and view I&A.
Artists & Projects
HPG’s people are committed to seeking out diverse talent worldwide and working dynamically with those talents to expand HPG’s offer to the international market and global audiences. We are also committed to measuring the impact of our work on presenters and their public. We aim to build a circle of critical friends who can help us identify diverse talent, advise and support us in the development of our I&A initiatives and, crucially, teach us what we have yet to learn.
We believe in the power of classical music and the arts to make real changes to the climate emergency.
In 2019, we set up an internal Environmental Working Group which meets every quarter to discuss HP Group’s carbon footprint and reduction strategies, keeping our‘offices green’, and filtering our knowledge to our artists and touring clients.
HarrisonParrott Group’s carbon footprint was assessed for the fourth time in January 2024 by Carbon Footprint Ltd and has been awarded a Carbon Neutral Plus status for carbon offsetting. Read about our commitment to engaging with both short and long-term solutions to the global climate emergency here.
Our approach
We are committed to embedding environmental sustainability at the heart of HPG’s practice, working with the very best artists, touring ensembles and concert promoters as we introduce more people to classical music and extend our reach outside the core classical world.
How are we doing this?
Ensure environmental sustainability is at the heart of HP’s practice
Improve working practices
- Creation of internal sustainability checklist to track energy reduction progress across our offices
- Transitioning to a paper-free office
We also have good internal practice guidelines for staff – this can be big and small actions, from turning off lights and computers to encouraging train travel
Internal Communications
- Dedicated area in HarrisonParrott’s intranet to share information and best practices
- Reviewing our supply chain to ensure ethical investments and renewable energy sources. In 2021 our website servers moved to a carbon-negative energy data centre using 100% renewable energy. We also purchase refurbished mobile phones and laptops.
Sharing knowledge
- We are actively challenging arts institutions who work with us to adopt more sustainable touring models which, in turn, we believe will be more artistically fulfilling. Such as through residency models or devising touring routes that reduce air travel.
Supporting initiatives
- HarrisonParrott Group has a Music Declares Emergency membership
- HarrisonParrott Munich signed the German Sustainability Declaration-culture sector
Set year-on-year carbon reduction targets
2022/23 emissions are 18% lower than our baseline year of 2018/19. Emissions have increased due to HPG and the classical music industry operating again at pre-COVID-19 levels, which is reflected in our increase in business travel.
To continue to improve our carbon footprint reduction, we aim to support HarrisonParrott Group by:
- Supporting internal processes and systems which improve our operational aims to increase business travel efficiency
- Enhance and streamline our strategic travel by making the best use of staff time in locations e.g. reduction of one-off flights for one event
These measures and changes in mindset will positively drill down into reducing our overall carbon footprint by making travel decisions more consolidated and rationalised.