THE CULTURE BAR NO.10: UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT — How the Arts can respond to the Climate Emergency

Under the spotlight mini-series episode
To celebrate Earth Day (22 April 2021) we discuss how the arts can respond to the climate emergency.
“if we can turn those powerful machines and those artists and those platforms into the direction of normalising the changes that need to happen, and the shift that people need to make, and the sacrifices that people need to bring into their lives, supported by government, then I think the arts is going to be one of the most powerful influences. ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’… we just need to make sure that art can survive, can proliferate, be back to the same capacity that it was a year ago. And that we’re supporting artists in helping to paint a better future, for everyone” — Sam Lee
We are delighted to be joined by three expert panellists:
Sam Lee - Mercury Prize-nominated folk singer, conservationist, song collector, and award-winning promoter, broadcaster and activist.
Alex Sobel - MP for Leeds North West and Shadow Minister for the arts, heritage and tourism.
Crispin Woodhead — Chief Executive of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.
Hosted by HP’s Henry Southern
Useful links and resources
Connect with Sam:
Website: samleesong
Instagram: @samleesong
Sam Recommends:
Music Declares Emergency: @musicdeclares
Nest Folk: @nestfolk
Friday for Futures: @fridaysforfuture
Julie’s Bicycle: @julies_bicycle
Connect with Alex:
Alex Sobel:
Twitter: @alexsobel
Instagram: @alexsobelforleedsnorthwest
Connect with Crispin:
OAE website:
Poland and Hungary Tour: press release
Instagram: oae_photos
Facebook: @orchestraoftheageofenlightenment
Twitter: @theoae
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries.
This is the third episode in our‘Under the Spotlight’ podcast mini-series where we shine a light on‘challenging’ topics in the arts, and focus on guests living these experiences and who are working to create change in the sector.
The Culture Bar is a podcast series created by HarrisonParrott focussing on conversations in culture and the arts.
Find us on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Podbean, Deezer, Stitcher, Pocket Casts and all good podcatcher sites.
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A special thank you to Robert Cochrane as the composer of the theme tune music, and Merlyn Thomas our editor.