
Speed-pod series of 15 minute podcasts focusing on music and culture from around the world
In our ‘speed pod’ mini-series of quick insights into music and culture from around the world, we talk to music industry professionals about the music of their homeland, to give us a view into different music, composers, sounds and instruments which make music both unique and universal.
This time, we will be talking to Polyarts Associate Manager: Artists & Projects Eva Pires to tell us more about the sounds of Bulgaria. Eva tells us about what influences there are on Bulgarian music and the importance of folk, stories and the landscape on creating these special musical compositions, the musical sounds associated with the country including unique musical instruments used by shepherds, in wedding bands and a unique style of ‘throat’ singing, and introduces us to several Bulgarian composers and musicians and Ethno Jazz.
Eva was interviewed by HP’s Fiona Livingston.
Eva’s Recommendations:
Traditional throat singing: The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices: live session
Flutes: Kaval and Duduk
Bagpipe: Gaida
Violin: Gadulka
Drum: Tapan
Composer: Pancho Vladigerov
“Vardar” Op.16 for violin and piano
“Humoreske” Op.15
“Seven Bulgarian Symphonic Dances”, Op.23
Other music:
Bulgarian Ethno Jazz is popular round the world. Two musicians that tour a lot:
Teodosii Spasov – kaval
“Gypsy Dance”
Stefanovski, Tadic and Spassov: “Ne si go prodavaj…”
Ivo Papazon “Ibryama” – clarinet
Ivo Papazov & Trakia Band with Gadulka virtuoso Vasil Denev
Improvisation session
The Culture Bar is a podcast series created by HarrisonParrott focussing on conversations in culture and the arts.
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