Deepa Johnny

Deepa Johnny

Deepa Johnny

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Deepa Johnny
©Jonathan Jacobs and Nisha Johnny
Carmen (Près des remparts de Seville) - Opéra de Rouen 2023
Mozart (Mass in C Minor) - Radio France 2023
La Clemenza di Tito (Parto, ma tu ben mio) - Concours Musical International de Montreal 2022
La Clemenza di Tito (Parto, ma tu ben mio) - Concours Musical International de Montreal 2022
Olyrix, July 2024
Concert Classic, July 2024
Première Loge, July 2024
Radio Classique, September 2023
Patrick Imbaud, Res Musica, September 2023
Guillaume Saintagne, Forum
Nicholas Le Clerre, Première Loge, September 2023
Joël Heuillon, Olyrix, September 2023
Olyrix, July 2023
New York Times, July 2023
SanFrancisco Chronicle
Parterre Box, October 2022
Parterre Box September 2022
(Rick Perdian, Seen and Heard International , Jan 2022)
(Indiana Public Media, Dec 2019)
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